Invited to lunch by Polish Ambassador

Ambassador Lunch

Ambassador Lunch

We were invited to lunch by the Polish Ambassador on Tuesday (photo left to right: Dr. Marek Jedras, Ambassador Krzysztof Majka, our Rector Jacek Szewczyk, Prof. Seung Woog Kim and I am on the right). The Ambassador was a very nice guy. The Polish doctor that tends to all the Polish ambassadors attended also. Lunch was at the exclusive Seoul Club, very proper and delicious. Mostly we talked about the Polish Print Exhibition and contact between Poland and Korea.

The weather has been almost unbearably hot, about 90F with humidity around 85% and sunny.

Polish Printmaking in Seoul

Setting Up The Show

Setting Up The Show

After my first visit to China about 4 years ago I was so impressed with the quality of Chinese printmaking that I felt a closer contact between Polish and Asian printmakers would benefit both. The best way to start this contact would be to show Asian artists what is happening in Europe and Poland is a great representative of European printmaking.

I am now in Seoul to open the largest exhibition of Polish Printmaking ever assembled. I have been working on this project for 2 years and after the initial exhibition in Tianjin, China last October we are now able to bring this excellent show to South Korea.

With the extensive help of the Art Department at the Kyung Hee University and especially Professor Seung Woog Kim we were able to make this spectacular print exhibition happen here in Seoul, South Korea.

Show Curator Chris Nowicki

Show Curator Chris Nowicki

There are about 240 prints in this exhibition and about 85 of the best Polish artists are represented with their most recent works. All printmaking techniques are represented with many examples of etching, aquatint, lithography, serigraph, linocut, digital, dry-point, mezzotint and more.This is an exceptional and incredible show.

The opening is this Friday September 2nd at 6:00PM, the site is the A&D Gallery on the Kyung Hee University Campus, Seoul, South Korea.